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First Belgian Mesos User Group Meetup

By October 23, 2018April 8th, 2020Events, News

First Belgian Mesos User Group Meetup


The 9th of October, Klarrio hosted the very appreciated first meetup of the Belgian Mesos User Group. A nice enthusiastic crowd showed up to get insights on what Apache Mesos & the DC/OS exactly is and how it can be effectively used. The animated Q&A after each talk not only showed passion of all the speaker, but also the interest and involvement of the attendees.

Fascinating talks – a big congrats to the speakers” Dirk H.

Mesosphere DC/OS was presented from three different angles. Taco Scargo from Mesophere elaborated on how DC/OS makes it easy to build, deploy and scale world-changing technologies. The Talking Trafic use-case was explained by Thomas Reichel (KPN) & Bruno de Bus (Klarrio). The KPN Data Services Hub, a scalable, multi-tenant cloud platform for ingesting, real-time processing and distributing mobility data, was build using DC/OS and Apache Kafka as driving technologies. Finaly Mathias Syx (data scientist) demonstrate how neural networks can play a key role in anomaly detection for microservice based applications.

“Crips and to the point with demos that inspired me.” Lieven Gesquiere

This being the first meeting we hosted at Klarrio, we were pleased to meet so many enthusiastic people and believe that partnering with other communities, like the Mesos Usergroup, has a big added value. That’s why we have a taste for more and are planning to host our next meetup together with the Belgium Apache Kafka® Meetup by Confluent. So save the date:  December 11th in the evening.

“Thanks for the great Meetup, guys!” Wim Van Leuven

“Likewise Attendees” Klarrio